Friday, November 18, 2016

Menentukan Sinopsis Novel dan Struktur Bahasa dalam Bahasa inggris | Synopsis, Language Features and General Structure

Firstly, thanks to Allah SWT for abundance of mercies so i can finish the task entitled Synopsis Chapter Pollyanna Academic Year 2015/2016. Second, to my english teacher Mrs. Tian and my father for helping me doing this synopsis chapter. I do the task for completing my value.
This task contains about synopsis, generic structure, some lesson that have given to us so if we are expert in the knowlegde we can expand what we know. 
I hope this synopsis chapter will be usefull for us as, and your suggestions and critis is needed here to make my task be better again.
Metro, 20th May 2015
1) Title in full : Pollyanna
2) Author : Eleanor H. Porter
3) Place : San Bernardino, CA, USA
4) Publisher         : L.C Pages
5) Date of publication : 17 February 2013
6) Total of Pages : 211 pages
7) ISBN : 9781619491373
8) Cover : A little girl wear a white dress and a yellow hat
Mrs. Polly Harrington is the oldest mistress at the Harrington homestead, one of the wealthiest residents in this town. For years, now, she had been sole mistress of the house and of the thousands left by her by her father. Father, mother, sisters all were died. She always quite alone in the world, she liked being by herself. There were people who had openly pitied her lonely life, and who had urged her to have some friend or companion to live with her, but now she was glad, she was a good woman and not only knew her duty but had sufficient strength of character to perform.
     Orientation :
1. Characters
– Mrs. Polly Harrington : reponsible, discipline
– Nancy           : kind
2. Place
– In the kitchen ( pages 1, line 1)
– In her own room ( pages 3, line 9)
3. Time
– This June morning ( pages 1, line 2)
– Two months before ( page 2, line 2)
– Two days ( pages 3, line 10) 
– Two weeks ago ( pages 3 line 16)
– A few years ( page 4, line 22)
 Complication 
Dear Madam, i regret to inform you that the Rev. John Whitter died two weeks ago, leaving one child, a girl eleven years old. He left practically nothing else save a few books, for you doubtless know, he was the pastor of the small mission chruch, and had a very meagre salary.
 Resolution 
With a frown Mrs Polly folded the letter and tucked it into its envelope. She had answered it the day before, and dhe had said she would take the child, of course. She hoped she knew her duty well enough for that! Disagreeable as the task would be. 
 Re-orention
Mrs Polly rose with frowning face and closely shut lips. She was glad, of course, that she was a good woman, and that she not only knew her duty, but had sufficient strength of character to perform it. But POLLYANNA! What a ridiculous name!.
1) Past Tense
Word Page Line
Was            (15) (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) (4,11,22),(2,3,6), (2,11,17,19), (28,32,33), (1,2)
Did              (3) (1), (2,15,20)
Had  (24) (1), (3), (4) (6,23,24,25,28), (10,11,17), (2,3,6,9,10,12,13,14, 15,16,17,18,19,21,22,25,27,29,31,32)
Might           (4) (1), (2), (3) (1), (23,24) (21)
Continued     (1) (1) (9)
Worked       (1) (1) (23)
Found          (1) (1) (27)
Left              (3) (1), (3) (24), (6, 16)
Knew           (3) (1), (2),(4) (29), (2), (3)
Finished        (2) (2), (3) (6), (6)
2) Noun Phrase
– The great house (page 1, line 27) – A few books       (page 3, line 16)
– The little room         (page 2, line 7)    – The litlle girl          (page 3, line 24)
– A little girl         (page 2, line 16) -A heart full of love (page 4, line 13)
– A good woman (page 2, line 21) – A little town       (page 4, line 24
– A girl eleven years old (page 3, line 15) -The great house    (page 4, line 25)
3) Relative Pronoun
– She knew Mrs Polly now as a stern, severe faced woman who frowned if a knife clattered to the flooror a door banged but who never thought to smile even when knives and doors were still (page 2, line 3-5)
– Just because i happened to have a sister who was silly enough to marry and bring unnecesarry children into a world that was already quite enough. (page 3, line 2)
– In her own room, Mrs. Polly took out once more the letter which she had received two days before from the far away Western town, (page 3, line 10)
– As there is a man and his wife here who are going east very soon, and they would take her to Bostom. (page 3, line 26)
– With the letter in her hands, her tought went back to her sister, Jennie, who had been this child’s mother (page 4, line 5)
– There had been a man of wealth who had wanted her (page 4, line 9)
– There were people who had openly pitied her lonely life and who had yrged her to have some friend or companion to live with her. (page 4, line 30)
4) Conditional Sentences 
– If you can take, we would apreciate it very much (page 3, line 24)
– If you would write that she might come at once. (page 3, line 25)
5) Gerund
– Miss Pollyana Whittier is coming to live (page 2, line 14)
– Thinking of the sunshine (page 2, line 17)
– Rev. John W died two weeks ago, leaving one child. (page 3, line 14)
– As a girl of twenty, had insisted upon marrying the young minister (page 4, line 7)
– Mrs Polly, looking out at the far valley below (page 4, line 25)
6) To Infinitive
– To stop (page 1, line 12) – To inform (page 3, line 14)
– To say (page 1, line 13) – To understand (page 3, line 19
– To smile     (page 2, line 4)   – To take         (page 3, line 21)
– To live (page 2, line 15) – To start         (page 3, line 24)
– To make         (page 2, line 20) – To expect (page 3, line 29)
– To marry    (page 3, line 2)         – To hear         (page 3, line 31)
– To do (page 4, line 18) – To be sure (page 4, line 19)
7) Suggest 
– “You may clear the little room at the head of the stairs in the attic, and make up the cot bed” (page 2, line 7)
– “And where i shall put this things, please, that 1 take out?” (page 2, line 10)
8) Passive Voice
– Had been so pleased when she found a place in the kitchen of the great house (page 1, line 27)
– And which had been so unpleasant a surprise her. (page 3, line 11)
– The letter was addressed to Mrs Polly Harington, Beldingsville, Vermont, and it read as follows. (page 3, line 13)
9) Conjuction
– And (31) (page (1),(2),(3),(4),(5), line (5,9,12,20), (1,4,7,10,20) (1,2), (2,4,5,6,10,15), (1,4,5,7,11,12,14,16,20,30,32,33))
– But (7) (page (2),(4),(5), line (19,21), (1,4), (15,30,34))
– With (9) (page (1),(4) line (5,8,9,14,23), (4,19,25,28)
– Which (2)  (page (1),(3) line (12), (12,17)
– When (2)         (page (1),(2) line (6), (4))
– For (2) (page (1), line 5,8)
– However (3) (page (2),(3) line (18), (11,14,19))
– Then (2)     (page (2),(4) line (15), (3))
10) Verb
 Saying Verb:
– Talking (page 1, line 12)         – Saying         (page 2, line 7)
– Say (page 1,2,  line 15, 15, 25) – Tell (page 2, line 13)
– Told (page (1),(4) line (18),(23)) – Cried         (page 2, line 17)
– Stammered (page 1, line 16)         – Ask (page 1, line 20)
 Feeling Verb:
– Please (page 1, line 23) – Regret         (page 3, line 14)
– Forced (page 1, line 24) – Doubtless (page 3, line 16)
– Hesitated (page 2, line 12) – Favorably (page 3, line 31)
– Vaguely (page 2, line 28) – Sympathy (page 4, line 32) 
– Unpleasant (page 3, line 11) – Glad (page 5, line 2)
 Seeing verb:
– Looked up (page 1, line 5)         -See         (page (2),(3)), line 16),( 3,6))
 Thinking verb:
– Wondering (page 1, line 22) – Understand (page 3, line 20)
– Thought (page (2),(3),(4) – Remain         (page 3, line 31) line (4, 23),(20),(5))
– Suppose (page 2, line 12)         – Remembered (page 4, line 16)
 Action verb:
– Make ( page 1, line 2) – Sweep (page 2, line 8)
– Washing (page 1, line 5)         – Clear (page 2, line 9)
– Wiping (page 1, line 10) – Put         (page (2),(3) line (10),(28))
– Set                 (page 1, line 14) – Sleep (page 2, line 15)
– Listen (page 1, line 12) – Use (page 2, line 19)
–      Add           (page 1, line 15) – Prepare (page 2, line 28)
– Come (page (1),(3) line (28),(26))- Rose (page 5, line 1)
– Clean (page (2),(3) line (8), (5)) – Perform (page 5, line 4)
– Marry (page 3, line 2)         – Bring (page 3, line 2, 22)
9. Direct Speech
– “yes, ma’am.” Nancy answered cheerfully. (page 1, line 9)
– “Nancy!” Mrs Polly’s voice was very stern now. (page 1, line 11)
– “yes, ma’am, i will ma’am” she stammered. (page 1, line 16)
10. Indirect Speech
– She had answered it the day before, and she had said she would take the child, of course. (page 4, line 2)
– However, as i said before, i hope i know my duty. (page 3, line 5)
– She was not lonely, she said (page 4, line 34)
11. Personal Pronoun
Her : 29 She : 30 He     : 5 It : 9
I : 28 Me : 1 His     : 1
You : 19 We : 1 Them : 1
The story tells us, if we want be appreciated by someone, so it is a must for us to have good behavior, discipline, and responsibly. By doing so, all good things will come to us, if we have a good relationship too.
The words used in this story are difficult for those who speak foreign language, but it is a challenge for sutudent who wants to develop their skill in english
I hope this book is available for student to have in a bookstore with a affordable price.
Word     Page   Line    Translate               Word       Page   Line  Translate
Add                 1 16 Menambahkan          Attic        2 8 Loteng
Before         1 24 Sebelum                   Brighten        2 24 Mencerahkan
Cheerfully  1 9 Dengan takut         Deceased        3 19 Almarhum
Clattered         2 3 Bergelontengan         Duty                2 21 Kewajiban
Clear         2 8 Bersih                 Envelope        4 2 Surat
Composure 1 15 Resep                 Folded        4 1 Melipat
Entered         1 1 Memasuki           Frown        4 1 Cemberut
Hastily         1 17 Buru- buru          Haughtily        2 30 Angkuh
Homestead 2 1 Wisma                 Hesitated        2 12 Ragu-ragu
Knives         2 5 Pisau-pisau        Insisted        4 7 Bersikeras
Manner         1 3 Prilaku                 Occupants       4 25 Penduduk
Mistress         1 7 Nyonya                Perform         5 3 Pertunjukan
Picther         1 10 Penjepit                  Perhaps         4 14 Mungkin
Pleased         1 23 Menyenangkan  Regret         3 14 Menyesal
Prided         1 3 Memperkirakan Ridiculous  5 4 Konyol
Repose         1 3 Memposisilan kembaliRinsed         3 8 Terkucek
Residents         2 1 Perumahan         Rose           5 1 Bangkit
Severe         2 2 Kejam                 Silly                 3 1 Bodoh
Sick           1 23 Sakit                         Spite                 4 8 Meskipun
Stammered 1 16 Gagap                  Stiffy           2 20 Kaku
Stern         1 11 Tegas                 Sufficient         5 3 Cukup
Stifled         1 22 Kaku                 Though         4 16 Meskipun
Tipping         1 15 Mengetuk                 Tucked         4 1 Menyelipkan
Wealthiest    2 1 Paling kaya         Unpleasant 3 11 Menyenangkan
Widow         1 23 Janda                 While         4 12 Sementara

Menentukan Sinopsis Novel dan Struktur Bahasa dalam Bahasa inggris | Synopsis, Language Features and General Structure Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: greathand


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