Friday, November 4, 2016

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Penyalahgunaan Obat-Obatan dan Kehancuran Bangsa | Drug Abuse and The Destruction Of Nation Generation

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
First of all, let us say our gratitude to the Almighty for abundance of mercies so that we can do our daily activities. The honorable juries, judges, all respectable comittee of the speech contest, and all audiences. Allow me to present my speech entitled “Drugs Abuse, and The Destruction of Nation Generation”.
To begin with, let me tell you my identity. My name is Ratri Hening Pahayu. I am now at the first year and a representative of Senior High School State 3 Metro.

Distinguished audiences.
The day God created humankind, God determined that men will lead the world on earth. As it is cited in Qoran, (Chapter Al baqara: Verse 30)
And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, “Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive leader.” They said, “Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?” Allah said, “Indeed, I know that which you do not know.”
Allow me to stress on word “Leader”. At the most basic level, a leader is someone who leads other. But what makes someone a leader?  What can we do to be a leader? A good leader is a person who has a vision, a drive and a commitment to achieve that vision, and the skills to make it happen. It takes time and effort to be a good leader which is why young generation will have to learn hard to be.

Respectable Audiences
The continuation of a nation, our nation, will depend on how good young generations in developing their basic traits, such as integrity, understanding people, and positive thinking. It is imperative that the traits well developed  in order to be able to carry on their responsibility and their duty as future leaders. Young generations of our nation have so much riding on their back as their challenge, they are the pillars of this state.
Yet, as the challenge of mastering all traits to be good leaders alone are difficult things to accomplish, nation generation also face other difficulty, maturity process, which often generate excessive curiosities and eagerness, and potentially mislead them. One of the excessive  curiosities is the abuse of drugs. The curiosities toward drugs have carried them away and skewed them off  their obligation. Do they know that  drugs abuse will only provide them very short euphoria but permanent damage? Those who became victim, both users and dealers, obviously were lack of awareness to realize the consequence and remain ignorant to the threat of nation generation destruction which possibly ended up with the extinction of civilization.

Ladies and gentlemen,
To elaborate, according to the definition, Drugs abuse is the use of illicit drugs, or the abuse of prescription. The abuse of legitimate drugs (prescription) can happen when people use the drugs in a manner or in quantities other than directed, or for purposes that are not legitimate. There are many kind of drugs which are potentially abused, they are narcotics, marijuana, morphine, heroin, and many more. Drugs abuse is used for temporary enjoyment, using these drugs makes the future uncertain because of its side effects of euphoria and hallucinations, such drugs make their users lose control of their senses. While they only provide a temporary sensation of happiness, their addictive effects and the latent danger of brain damage from constant use will eventually deplete the users.

Brothers and sisters
Let me quote some damages caused by drug abuse based on BNN’s information (National Board of Narcotics): 1) reduced mental processing ability; 2) blurred or diminished vision; 3) reduced concentration; 4) reduced blood circulation to the heart; 5) often act inappropriately during activities; 6) sleeping difficulty (insomnia) and nightmares; 6) hysterics; 7) high blood pressure; 8) narrowing of the pupils; 9) Loss of appetite, leading to weight loss; 10) increased heartbeat; 11) Unpredictable emotional states; 12) trouble concentrating and paying attention, which can severely interfere learning ability; 13) death. The joy which is obtained from drugs abuse will only last in very short time and turned out to be prolonged even permanent pain.

My fellows students,
We can see that the circulation of drugs are now very concerning. People can easily find drugs and do some transactions. Many drugs dealers, even some house wives and students, are busted, yet more are coming. To simply  respon for what’s happening right now, We need to be involved, as part of community, in many attempt to minimize and prevent drugs abuse. We need to watch hand in hand to save our young generation. Reporting to the authority in case we encounter drugs dealing or possible transaction suspected. We have to promote propaganda against drugs abuse and demand on severe penalty to those who committed drugs using and drugs dealing.

Dear young generations
what our nation future will be if many young generations are infected by this dangerous epidemic? Don’t ever try drugs abuse!!. Don’t even think about it!!. Once you are trapped into narcotics and drugs abuse, you will bury the chance of exploring your potential. You will no longer be able to develop the traits of future leaders. The nation, then, will have no good descendants to lead this country. Please, Don’t ruin our future and our nation. Let’s rechannel our curiosity into more many learning activities. Learn how to control our eagerness  by coming closer to God. Fill our heart with faith.

As for me, to be honest, as a young person, I am also lack of maturity to put things right. To avoid being misled by things that I am not familiarized, I discuss them with my parents, my teachers or to anyone I know as good person. Being open to our parent to any problem will help us, young generation, in relieving tension, regaining comfort, and deleting space available for anxiety which may lead us to drugs abuse. The role of parent is extremely important to maintain young generation stay on track. To all parents!!, please don’t neglect us, your children, for those who became victim of drugs abuse were lack of comfort from home.

Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, my fellow students
Finally I’ve come to a conclusion of this speech, stay out of  drugs abuse. Not only physically and mentally illness will occupy but also sanctions by law will apply too. The only thing left when that happened is nothing except a lifetime regret. Remember, we, young generation of this nation, will lead this country someday. To do so, we need strong body and mind, as well as faith. Have a good day and Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

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Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Penyalahgunaan Obat-Obatan dan Kehancuran Bangsa | Drug Abuse and The Destruction Of Nation Generation Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: greathand


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