Friday, November 4, 2016

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Perkembangan Sosial Media, Teknologi dan Tantangannya Untuk Remaja | The Development of Social Media and Technology

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
First of all, let us say our gratitude to the Almighty for abundance of mercies so that we can do our daily activities. The honorable juries, judges, all respectable comittee of the speech contest, and all audiences. Allow me to present my speech entitled “The Development Of Social Media And Technology, And It’s Challenges For Senior High School”. To begin with, let me tell you my identity. My name is Ratri Hening Pahayu. I am now at the first year and a representative of Senior High School State 3 Metro.

Distinguished audiences.
The development of social media and technology has been increasing in massive scale recently. Social media enhances people to do communication interterritory. Limitations in term of time and space is no longer existing. More and more people absorbed into cyber communication. In relation with  learning, these facilities provide learners many resources to building knowledge, skill, and eventually getting higher achievement. Is it true?

Respectable Audiences
Let me elaborate. Various social media, among others are facebook, tweeter, skype, Black Berry Messenger serve different kinds of content, features, and facilities. To many extent, these developments do facilitate people in establishing communication, instructional process, and bussiness. Group of students can also cooperate in doing their school assignment, practice English both reading and writing, exercise maths, physics, and many other subjects. Social media is also supported by office application which allow users to do paperwork and then exchanging the file via social media. Thus, social media and technology such as, word processing and e-mail promote communication skills; database and spreadsheet programs promote organizational skills; and modeling software promotes the understanding of science and math concepts. So it’s true that the development of social media and technology will bring students to get higher achievement.

Brothers and sisters
Challenges of how to bring senior high school students for higher achievement is getting harder, when the development of social media and technology also tends to divert youngsters attention from their original goals of using social media and technology for learning. There are displays with inappropriate contents can be easily found on social media. Youngsters who lack of maturity also have bigger risk of getting sex abuse from their partners found on social media. These inappropriate contents related to sex materials, games, crime and drug abuse becomes places where they spend their time instead of learning.

To make things worse, there are many teachers who have used the availability of information technology facilities as their absence replacement. Teachers entrust learning process of students to some instruments considered sufficient to help. Thus when things go wrong, students wihout teacher supervision “With the availability of social media on their gadget” do online socializing even when they are in the classroom. Teachers neglect their role to lead humanly learning process which is the most important thing to promote meaningfull learning.
This is also true.

My fellow contestants
The using of sophisticate gadgets  by senior high school students enlarges the possibility of misusing them and turn into misbehavior. Control required by parents and teachers at school. At home, parents should monitorize the using of their gadget by checking what sites and messages have been visited, the contents of some folders and photos taken. At school, random check of students gadget need to do to minimize the possibility of keeping and using inappropriate contets. On the other hand, teachers need to empower social media as instruction media so that teachers may detect misbehavior and inappropriate content earlier. Anticipation and precaution can serve better control rather than extensive cure.

Ladies and Gentlemen
Let me come to conclusion of this speech. Students can use social media to keep up with technology development but some controls required by both parents and teachers at school. At home, parents should monitorize the using of their gadget by checking what sites and messages have been visited, the contents of some folders and photos taken. At school, random check of students gadget need to do to minimize the possibility of keeping and using inappropriate contets. On the other hand, teachers need to empower social media as instruction media so that teachers may detect misbehavior and inappropriate content earlier. This is how far I can go and thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Don’t forget to include the link of the article.Thankyou for visiting!

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Perkembangan Sosial Media, Teknologi dan Tantangannya Untuk Remaja | The Development of Social Media and Technology Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: greathand


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